LIGHT THE EVOLUTION has a 3 step program to help inspire, enlight and unite!
- STEP 1) "SHOW THE LIGHT" is about infusing the light in forms of information, knowledge, joy, unity & love. The only reason we are standing "still" is because the majority of people are unaware of both the problems, and the existing solutions. The first step into making a change is to get a public opinion! We start out by informing people of the existing options and solutions. Inspire to change! This step contains LTE KICK OFF PARTY, LTE TOURS, LTE GATHERINGS and LTE GLOBAL MANIFESTATION.
The whole world is invited to participate in our journey to create a better NOW! It is no longer about tomorrow but what we can do right here in this moment with the tools we've got. We know that abundance, well-being, joy, peace and love can be not only a dream or a philosophy, but reality, if we choose to create it! The options and solutions available are breathtaking when you realize just how perfect they work in balance with human and nature. We have been separated for too long and it is now time to unite! Our movement has no borders, everyone who wishes to be a part of our family, is our family, and together we LIGHT THE EVOLUTION! If you want to create a KICK OFF PARTY in your city and/or plan for LTE'S GLOBAL MANIFESTATION please Contact us for further information or go to "HOW TO LIGHT THE EVOLUTION".
Our vision with STEP ONE is to create a strong opinion for the GLOBAL MANIFESTATION at the end station of our Tour.
- STEP 2) "KNOW THE LIGHT". Step one was about informing the public. Get the numbers needed to create a strong opinion. The second step is about KNOWING; understanding the movements, projects, options and solutions. KNOW why changes needs to be done and why the problems arrived, how the solutions will work and how to implement them. In order to take action and BE the light we have to KNOW the light! This step will introduce conferences, lectures and more.
- STEP 3) "GROW THE LIGHT". Step one and two was about seeing the light and knowing it, the third will be about speaking it and living it. BE the change, BE the solution! At some point we have to move forward. Not only showing and knowing the light, but BEing and DOing light. This is step three!
Now, how do we BE and DO the light? By focusing on the positive things in your life, by choosing the positive things inTO your life. The change can only be done from the inside out since this is a perception of how you see your life, your perception of who you Are and what you Do. A life in abundance, well-being, joy, peace and love is possible and thereby it only takes from us to ACCEPT it and let the change happen by it self. We also have to remember that this planet is controlled by powerfull people that does not want this freedom being given to the world, nor being taken by the people to the world, and that is the reason we need the numbers in people. We know that the majority of humanity wants peace, love, abundance, justice, all the rights we were given by the universe but we had taken from us. The planet is for everyone to live in wealth and happiness, love and compassion. If we give that to eatch other, the most basic need is already satisfied. The rest we will solve after time, but it is much more fun with friends than enemies, in unity than division! So let us unite and GROW THE LIGHT! We can't say where this step will take us exactly since this final step is all about if we are ready as Humanity, and not as a movement, so step three is up to US, not us...